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Resolution of the Central Committee of the Collective of Communist Youth

 We, communists of the CJC and the PCPE, have spent many months demanding a General Strike through rallies in the street, public events, in mobilizations and through the propaganda and tables in the streets. 

 Throughout this time we have tried to organize (within our possibilities) the responses of the working youth against the capitalist crisis. In two and a half months, the working class has had his first call for General Strike in the whole Spanish State and each one of the militants will make the greatest effort to make an advance in fight and organization of that day for the working class.

 However, we believe that trade unions and worker organizations have lost a precious time, with doubtful and agreement-based speeches and, in some cases, for the numerical weakness of the most combative ones. The first state-wide general strike is dated on the peak of capitalism aggression against working class.

 In fact, we can distinguish two stages in this crisis. The first one was the massive increase of state expenses in aid to banks (socializing their losses), while an unstoppable process of destruction of productive forces went by making the unemployment arise quickly. In this stage, the social-democracy helped the oligarchy and made social protection speech, by assuring the social measures to the working class.

 All of this has became a part of history when the second stage of the crisis has arrived, introducing many anti-social measures against the working class. Rising of indirect taxes deducts acquisitive capacity in a non-progressive way and helps the funding of the banks. On the other hand, the wage reduction of the civil servants and the other measures of the package approved in May mocks the social-democrat electoral program voted by the majority of the working class barely two years ago. The labor reform represents a direct aggression to burden the crisis on the working class.

 We, youth and working class, have seen how the PSOE Government announced one after other anti-popular measures with the passiveness of the biggest trade unions, CC.OO and UGT. They have only decided to convene a sectorial day against the reductions to the public administration and civil servants, who represent just 5% of working force. They waited for the announce of a anti-worker labor reform (that was more than predictable) to contemplate the calling of a strike in 3 months. All this in a context where the European capitalism, by the European governments, introduces tough reforms that wane the living conditions of the working class, destroy the bases of the welfare state and finds a way to get out of the crisis with huge profits for the bourgeois.

 Youth suffers the consequences of the labor reform, but we have a series of realities which aggravate our living conditions as well. The capitalist crisis has turned a youth which was already suffering labor precariousness and generalized temporality in their jobs directly in new unemployed people. Against the neoliberal speech, the labor flexibility helps the explosive growth of unemployment, especially in a country where the real state bubble has exploded and where a significant part of youth works in services sector linked to seasonal tourism.

 But the problem is not only the model that has been chosen, it's the system that creates all these catastrophes: the capitalism. 

 The capitalism has only two ways to go out of the crisis: with greater exploitation to the working class (path already taken with the recent measures) and through new markets not yet exploited: privatization or an imperialist war.

 We, youth, know well the path of privatization, as the Bologna process is taking it in higher education, where the public funding is still pivotal. It is not surprising, therefore, that in broad capitalist crisis they have been spoken about a pact for Education and that the Sustainable Economy Law contemplates measures linked with on-the-job training and a change of "model".

 We CJC are aware that who are launching the call for a General Strike this 29-S are the same that historically have extended over and over again the social pact from the "Moncloa agreements” until today, accepting the Government-Employer negotiations, and a concession after other and being, therefore, directly responsible for the loss and setback of rights of the working class and so we pointed out in every opportunity we had.

 Equally we are aware that preparation and mobilization of the bases of these trade unions may be slowed down or torpedoed by their same leaders and that the strike may be motivated by the need on keeping hope among their members, with eyes on the "social dialog".

 On these days we have already heard the head secretary of CC.OO. recognizing how their central objective is to achieve a "great political and social agreement to defend economy and employment". Only the usual talk that seeks for a return to the fatal 'social dialog" that has proved a helpful tool serving the interests and the strategy of spanish capitalism and therefore unworkable to conquer rights for the workers.

 The weakness of the whole revolutionary left of the spanish state on the trade unions and labor movement context, as well as the still insufficient implantation of the so-called alternative (or class-based) trade unions with the exception of Euskal Herria (Basque Country) and other cases, prevents us from thinking in more favorable scenarios that would be desirable against the offensive of the employers and the european capital.

 This is why, bearing in mind the conditions reality imposes us, the CJC will work for the success of the call this 29-S, with a statement and an action against the reformists lead trade unions, opposing the social agreement, fighting back the labor reform and the social reductions and we make a call to the youth combative movement to turn from now in support of all of these and to join efforts this day and the days to come because the strategy of european oligarchies that introduce these anti-social measures will require a struggle and a force accumulation for a long time, if we want to avoid youth and working class from paying the crisis.

We believe that the most important work from now and on is:

• Strength links, on the struggle, between the revolutionary left and the most combative bases, as well as with company committees and companies staff in conflict, etc.

• Introduce an entire generation of young workers in experiences of combative struggle.

• Extend the idea of the importance of the mobilization, the rejection to the labor reform and all the anti-popular measures.

• Denounce the social agreement strategy defended by the yellow unions and take steps to converge on an alternative of unionism of class and combative.

This 29-S to the General Strike!
No to social cuts and to Labor Reform!
This capitalist crisis has to be paid by the rich people!

Категория: Inernational news in English | Добавил: stbudg (10.08.2010)
Просмотров: 475 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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