В разделе материалов: 4 Показано материалов: 1-4 |
На заседание редколлегии по электронной почте пришло письмо от Евгения Фадеева. Известного аналитика по психотронному оружию. Редакция публикует его мнение. |
Lets raise our voices for the Heroes To friends from all over the world who believe in justice,
With the beginning of a new year and in coordination with committees and friends from other countries, we propose to start a new and steady campaign on behalf of the Cuban 5: THE 5th OF EACH MONTH FOR THE 5.
This Wednesday January 5th, from 9AM to 5PM (Eastern Time), LETS CALL, OR SEND FAXES, OR SEND E-MAILS, OR TELEGRAMS to the WHITE HOUSE to demand President Obama free the 5 Cuban Patriots imprisoned in the United States for defending their homeland.
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