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Danny Glover Visits Gerardo Hernandez
Danny Glover Visits Gerardo Hernandez 
On Sunday August 8, renowned actor Danny Glover visited Gerardo Hernandez at USP Victorville, California. The meeting caused a big stir in the prison that just a few days before had held Gerardo in "the hole" under inhumane conditions. 
The plans for this meeting took several months in the making and could not have come at a more opportune moment to symbolize the tremendous support for Gerardo after what he had just been forced to endure.
Gerardo reported that he was moved by their time together and Danny's commitment to the struggle for the freedom of the Cuban Five.
Danny Glover is a member of the International Commission for the Rights of Family Visits that 5 months ago, on March 8, sent a letter to Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano asking that visas for Olga Salanueva, wife of Rene Gonzalez and Adriana Perez, wife of Gerardo Hernandez be granted.
Glover recently made three youtubes about Gerardo that are listed below 
Danny Glover Youtube on the Cuban Five
Letter from Adriana to Gerardo 2:09
Letter from Gerardo to Adriana 1:02
The Bird and the Prisoner 6:46

International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
To learn more about the lastest developments on the case of the Cuban 5 visit: www.thecuban5.org
Категория: News on Cuba in English | Добавил: stbudg (11.08.2010)
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