President of Ukraine Yushchenko is an admirer of international terrorism
President of Ukraine Yushchenko is an admirer of international terrorism
2 December, 2009 Yushchenko rewarded the son of ringleader of the American terrorists, congressman of the USA, the active violator of international law during organization of criminal genocidual blockade against Cuba with an order «For merits before Ukraine».
The USA declare that they contest with terrorism. But actually, facts demonstrate the opposite opinion. Being based in the USA criminal groupments from 1959 for 1997 carried out on Cuba 5780 acts of terrorism, which caused 3,5 thousands deaths among Cubans. More than 2 thousands of Cubans became invalids because of these terror acts. Therefore 5 citizens of Cuba of Rene Gonsales Sekhverert, Ramon Labanino Salazar, Antonio Gerero Rodriges, Herardo Ernandes Nordelo, Fernando Gonsales L'ort inculcated in terroristic organizations based in the USA, and passed to the government of Cuba information about preparing acts of terrorism. Their activity in Florida allowed to prevent more than 170 assassinations which were planned by the counter-revolutionary Cuban emigrants against Cuba. Government of Cuba passed the rich information collected by these people to the authorities of the USA, and ask them to undertake measures against international terrorists who based on American territory. But FBI, despite officia promises and hypocritical statements about its fight against international terrorism, took advantage of this information quite in other aims – on September, 12, 1998 it arrested those, who collected this information, and terrorists remained free. Among these terrorists were and those, who developed and carried out the act of terrorism against towers-twins in New York. In 2001 a court in Miami sentenced fighters with international terrorism of Gerardo, Antonio, Ramon to life imprisonment, and Fernando and Rene by 19 and to 15 years, accordingly. The next day after the pronouncement of sentence of court parliament of Cuba appropriated these citizens with a high governmental rank Heroes of Cuba.
For comparison, three weeks ago judge Lenard in that Miami condemned 4 terrorists, which were caught with a weapon, explosives, and had a whole plan of explosions of social objects in New York, they were condemned on 6, on 7, on 8, on 9 years. There are a lot of such examples. The same was with the spies from Israel, who passed thousand documents from White Home to the government of Israel, and they were not even punished. Or Sant'yago Guama, one of the Cuban leaders of mafia organizations in by Miami, he was caught with a weapon and live ammunitions, in amount more than 2 tons, and he was literally imprisoned for a few months. And there are a lot of such examples, for instance Lewis Posada Keriles. Public prosecutor, who presented the government of the USA, and was also a public prosecutor in 2001, openly said in the speech in the hall of court, that this is political case. Even Judge Lenard attacked «How can you talk so, if you talked in 2001 that there is espionage?». Public prosecutor talked also in a court that «In the world there is a lot of noise this case». But actually it is not noise, this is wide wave of protest of all solidarious people of all over the world. It is pressure of solidarity organizations, governments, nations of the world, people. They press on the USA government, and public prosecutor acknowledged it. Openly in the speech. And in same queue, judge Lenard acknowledged that they did not have accomplished espionage, because passed no information, but they wanted to do that. And despite that statement, she sentenced them to the strongest punishments, that violates legislation, because the punishment for a crime attempt is less heavy than the crime itself. New punishments also to be unfair, because there are no proofs, that they accomplished something against safety of the USA. One from judges on territory of Miami called the office of public prosecutor to deliver such proofs. But nobody gave them to the court because there are no proofs. During the court trial in 2001 they talked that there were secret documents, volumes which nobody saw until now. That five were condemned on the basis of supposition that such documents, disrobing espionage, exist. Bthey are not simply present in reality, and they could not exist. According to acknolidgments of high-up generals and director of military base which is in Tampa there can not be such documents, because the condemned had no access to secret information. They only passed information about the plans of ultra-right Cuban organizations on accomplishing of raids against Cuba.
The Appeal court (which passed judgement in 2001) decided a year ago that three from 5, namely Ramon, which was condemned on a life term plus 18 years of imprisonment, Antonio Gerero, which was condemned on a life term plus 10 years, and Ferardo Ernades, which was condemned on 19 years of imprisonment, that their punishment exceeded their sentence, exceeded those violations which they accomplished allegedly. And it delivered the case to the court of Miami in order to reduce sentences. To two, from 5, a court decided that Gerardo who was condemned on a life term, that his sentence must be revised. And also Rene Gonsales, who was condemned for 15 years. And defence passed case to the investigation by Supreme Court, which did not accept case, renounced to investigate, and returned back.
Quite recently on October, 13 in Miami in the hall of the same court in presence of the same judges, on behalf of government the matter of Antonio Gererro was revised. On October, 13, the sentence of Antonio who was condemned on a life term plus 10 years, his sentence was lowered and he was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 21 years plus 10 months. Although the office of public prosecutor asked 20 years. But the court has chosen the strongest punishment.
On 8 December, 2009 at 10 o'clock on Miami time, the case of Ramona Labonino and Fernando Gonsalesa was revised. Ramona Labonino, who was sentenced on a life term plus 18 years, was sentenced to the term of 30 years. Fernando Gonsalez, who was sentenced on 19 years, had reduced term to 17 years.
It is not allowed for the wives of Gerardo and Rene to arrive on territory of the USA. This prohibition fully violates international laws and rights of any defendant on territory of the United States of America. As it is pointed in criminal-executive code of USA, the prison must do everything to draw together a prisoner with natives. It one of main moments to recover his social qualities. However in the case of the Cuban 5 USA of refuse to carry out the laws. Adriana, spouse of Gerardo, who was condemned for 2 lifelong term, and spouse of Rene Gonsalez, who was condemned for 15 years, their wives more than 11 years can not visit husbands, because the government of the USA does not give visas them. It is one of the most rough violations.
We must reach our purpose. It is returning 5 Heroes to Cuba. It can be decided by the legal system or by forgiveness from the side of president of the USA. Due to the Constitution of the USA he can do it. Bush-younger forgave terrorist Orlando Bosh, one of those, who planned the explosion of the Cuban airplane in 1976. Not looking on that Congress of the USA acknowledged that he was the real terrorist. As forgave other terrorists.
On December, 2, 2009, we knew that the president of Ukraine had handed by means of the ambassador the high Ukrainian order to Linkol'n Dias Balart, the Cuban-origin congressmen of Congress of the USA. To understand who is he, it is necessary to consider history of his family. Beginning of the clan of Dias Balart was when two brothers Dales, one of whose was Alan Dales was the first director of CIA, and on behalf of government of the USA entered in a contact with Nazi. His elder brother was U.S. Secretary of State. From the top clans of the USA. Grandfather of Linkol'n Rafael' Dias Balart – senior practiced law on Cuba United Fred Company in 1920 – 1930 – s Dales were in composition of the main proprietors of this company which on Cuba had more than 100 thousand of hectares of ground, bought up by using corruption methods for the cost of a 1 cavalry (14 hectares) for 8 cents in the beginning of past century. Raphael Balart was their advocate. Senior from Dales was in part of owners of United Frut Company. Rafael' Dias-Balart (junior), being a student, was the leader of Batista students in Havana. And at the last government of Batista he reached to the minister of justice. When on Cuba more than 20 000 young people, political, trade-union leaders, were destroyed. And he was the minister of justice from 1952 to 1958. Raphael Diasa Balart – junior has two sons: Linkol'n and Mario, a godfather was a dictator Batista. When Batista in a flash left after victory of Revolution, Raphael Dias-Balart - the junior collected the things also. He was one of those, who stole 450 million dollars from the state treasury and flew away in Miami. He was one of the first, which created counter-revolutionary organization in by Miami under the name «White Rose» which, one of the first organized assassinations against Cuba, and fed up counter-revolution into Cuba. Linkol'n Dias Balart on Decembers, 2 an order. Linkol'n and Marias Dias Balart – both the congressmen of the USA during many years, tied to the ultra-right clans of the USA. But in addition, they present leadership of ultra-right Cuban immigrations on territory of the USA. Gektor Peskvera, who in 2001 was the chief of FBI in Miami called exactly to them, and they gave an order on the capture five Cuban heroes, Peskvera did not phoned to the authority, but phoned Linkol'n and Maries Balart and other Cuban congressmen who ultra-right position against Cuba. The article issued out recently, that for this year the congressmen of the USA received for this year more than 11 millions to break any steps on the removal of blockade against Cuba. And among them a most high value of money was got by Linkol'n Dias Balart. He is a leader on lobbying blockade of Cuba in Congress of the USA. In 1970th of United Fred Company united with the company of clan of Bush and created United Brand. Now United Fred Company bore so much dirt in all of Latin America, that it had to changed its name. Now it is called «Conchita Brand». Its main tentacles are in , where now the USA have 2-nd on a scale military help, and are in a position to wage war on all of the Ibero continent, except for Earth of Fire. And in Honduras is the second main persistent place of «Conchita Brand» and «Union Brand», where all democratic rights for people, president, all rights which can be, are now violated, are broken by the government of the USA. And Linkol'n Dias-Balart has connection with ultra-right circles and oligarchs of Honduras and Latin America. The press holds back about that and does not know in general what has happened. The official pretext for handing this high order was that he helped treatment 9 Ukrainian children in the clinics of the USA. While Cuba cured more than 25 000 Ukrainian children-chernobyltsy. Besides there were attempts to close this program under ruling of Yushchenko, that as if USA will continue to treat of our children.
Yaroslav Karachevtsev, co-ordinator of the Kharkov association of «Friendship is Ukraine – Cuba», editor of the Wide-Ukrainian newspapesr «The Capital of the future», "Contemporaneity and objective thought", e-mail: