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The prison guards dismantled his shoes, sicced a drug-sniffing dog on him and poked holes in his fried chicken.
But finally Kevin Neisch was allowed into the all-women detention centre for political prisoners in the Colombian capital of Bogotá. There, he met with Liliany Obando, a Colombian trade union activist and filmmaker who was arrested a year ago. |
Президент Венесуэлы Уго Чавес национализировал компании Fama de America и Cafe Madrid - крупнейших производителей кофе в стране. Об этом сообщает Reuters. |
Требуйте от индийских посольств и консульств в своих странах прекратить фашистскую агрессию против народа и вывести карателей из Лалгарха! Дайте знать борющемуся народу Лалгарха, что у него есть друзья далеко за пределами Западной Бенгалии! |
This July, the Colombian Communist Party (PCC) marked its 79th anniversary. Its newsweekly Voz - the "only national opposition newspaper in the country," according to a U.K. solidarity web site - published a 2500th issue in July and observed its 52nd anniversary. |
A year after her arrest by Colombian police and incarceration in Bogotá's Buen Pastor women's prison, Liliany Obando is slated to go to trial Aug. 27. When she was arrested, the former international spokesperson for Fensuagro ― the National Federation of Unified Agricultural Unions ― was about to release her report detailing the murders or disappearances of 1,500 Fensuagro unionists over 29 years. She is the mother of two young children. |
For an old Cold-Warrior like Der Spiegel – the influential German newsweekly, recent opinion polls in Germany brought considerable alarm. After nearly two decades of German re-unification, pollsters found that a majority of citizens living in the former German Democratic Republic – what Westerners call “East Germany” – defend the former socialist state. |
Folks on the political left mock The Wall Street Journal. True, the editorial pages contain some of the most scurrilous, ugly commentary imaginable. The papers editorial stance would win praise from Benito Mussolini, if not Josef Goebbels. |
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 11 июл - РИА Новости, Лариса Саенко.
США используют власть сверхдержавы для подавления других стран, считают
большинство наций в мире. Таковы данные опроса, проведенного
организацией "Международное общественное мнение" (World Public Opinion)
совместно с университетом Мериленда, опубликованные в субботу.
Результаты опроса могут экстраполироваться на 60% населения планеты... |
All the parliamentary parties support the free trade policies that underpinned Labour’s economic mirage, which has seen 1.3 million manufacturing jobs destroyed since 1997. In machine production, 30 per cent of the jobs have gone, and a £3.8 billion surplus in 1997 became a £17.4 billion deficit in 2007. In road vehicles, a £6.9 billion deficit worsened to £15.2 billion. In scientific and photographic equipment, a £0.9 billion surplus became a £0.5 billion deficit. |
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