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New York, 25 September – A bold new global agenda to end poverty by 2030 and pursue a sustainable future was unanimously adopted today by the 193 Member States of the United Nations at the start of a three-day Summit on Sustainable Development. |
The sector of medicine exemplifies the capitalist development path, the
monopolies’ dictatorship and the negative consequences of this on people’s
lives. |
The overall slump in wages already touched the cheap wages of students of Vocational Schools (EPAS) ,Manpower Employment Organisation of Greece(OAED). The already low wages (23euro) who took students so far ,reaches 18 euros in the placement of analogy with other wages . At the same time the subsidy of the Manpower Employment Organisation of Greece(OAED)to the employers remains untouched in the amount of 12 euros, which had increased from last year. In that way the real amount that employers has to pay is 6 euros or 1 euro per hour for the wages of 18euros . It is the definition of cheap and flexible workforce.The young workers has to be half-educated and have a half-job to give free labor for employers.Employers the replace the workers who work with a stable job with cheap apprentices. |
My personal situation and my deep concern about the U.S. national security pushed me to write this letter. I have nothing to lose after I've refused to participate in CIA-FBI conspiracy I have no money, no job, no permanent place to stay. I'm telling the truth though I understand that I violated Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982. I was born in 1958 in Ukraine, I'm a former KGB USSR and SBU (Ukrainian Security Service) intelligence senior officer, and KGB "Nabat" anti-terror group member (a sniper). In 1991-1992, as SBU illegal intelligence officer, I came to Moscow to get into Russian President Boris Yeltsin "inner circle" to influence his decisions,extremely anti-Ukrainian at the time. Operation was in progress until Kremlin got information about it, and in 1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual espionage. I had to resign and move to Europe for security reasons. |
People across the political spectrum share one thing: they sense that we are living at a critical moment in the history of capitalism. Where the last decade of the twentieth century brought a near-universal and smug celebration of capitalism’s success, the second decade of the twenty-first century and beyond finds uncertainty, doubts, and fears in every conversation about global capitalism. |
The Speech of SCYU-KBY in the eighteenth
General Assembly of World Federation of Democratic Youth
Honorable Presidium:
Dear comrades and friends:
On behalf of the executive committee of the
Syrian Communist Youth Union – Khaled Bagdash Youth, we salute the eighteenth
General Assembly of World Federation of Democratic Youth, and we wish them all
success at all fronts.
The current deep crisis, in which the
capitalist system witnesses, associated with hostility of the global
imperialism in targeting all peoples around the world especially the working
mass. This climate requires a strong
international front to defend the rights of people and youth, and stand against
imperialist aggression and capitalist exploitation. Hence, it is very important
to maintain the unity of World Federation of Democratic Youth, and its
anti-imperialism character, and enhance its role at international level. (WFDY)
is an urgent need nowadays for the world youth and its progressive forces
exactly as it was necessary along its glorious past, the past of struggling against
the imperialist domination in all shapes to achieve economic, social and
political liberation. The past of glorious struggle of progressive youth
against the aggressive imperialist wars for achieving independence and national
sovereignty, for the rights and interests of people and youth, for social
justice. |
When, in the last few weeks, insiders and economists like Jeffrey Sachs and David Stockman – not noted for their radical postures – decry the state of the economy and the direction of policies, all of us should take note. Sachs, one of the fathers of neo-liberal "shock therapy,” recently cited decades-long stagnant wages and obscene levels of inequality: "We’ve reached the greatest income [and] wealth inequality in history… This is a new ‘Robber Baron’ era, of course.” He went on to say "…the people at the top buy the politicians… All of them – all parties. Everyone is in the hands of the super wealthy.” (Interviewed by Aaron Task, Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance). |
In a recent radio commentary, Glen Ford, executive editor of the Black Agenda Report, lashed out at what he calls the "The Phony Anti-War Movement” (BAR, 5-3-11). Based on a comprehensive study conducted by two academic writers, Michael Heaney, of the University of Michigan, and Fabio Rojas, of Indiana University, Ford charges that "many of the folks that turned out in such large numbers to demonstrate against America’s wars when George Bush was president, were really only opposed to Republican wars. Thus, when Barack Obama captured the White House, the so-called anti-war movement largely collapsed.” The study, as well as Ford’s commentary, gives voice to what many of us on the left have felt for some time. In the US, during the Bush administration and prior to the 2008 election, the anti-war movement surfaced, grew, and gathered momentum. Subsequent to the election, the movement appeared to hesitate and immobilize. |
What the voters wanted was unquestionably significant change. What they were promised was change. Whether change will come from the Obama administration is - at best - questionable…. And every indication is that the Obama administration will continue down the path of advancing imperial interests and privileging corporate America.” ZZ’s Blog, 11-06-08 "Has Obama betrayed his progressive promise? Obama never made a progressive promise. The idea of Obama as a water-bearer for liberal or progressive reform came not from Obama's mouth, but from the sheer wishes and dreams of the left…" |
Nearly thirty-five years ago, in a rare moment of truth-speak, President Gerald Ford, participating in a televised pre-election debate with future President Jimmy Carter, denied that the socialist countries of Eastern Europe were "captive nations” under Soviet domination. Ford, not known for his political acumen, violated one of the cardinal rules of national political campaigns: thou shall not deviate from "truths” held closely by the US ruling class. The media came down on Ford like a ton of bricks; some say his indelicate comment cost him the election. It is likely that the bumbling Ford misread his cues or suffered a brain lock since he had earlier signed a proclamation designating the week beginning July 13, 1975 as "Captive Nations Week.” Breaking with the unity of thought that ruling elites fight so hard to establish is not easily forgiven, even if it is inadvertent. |
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