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Subsidized cheap labor for the students of Vocational Schools (EPAS)
Subsidized cheap labor for the students of Vocational Schools (EPAS)

The overall slump in wages already touched the cheap wages of students of Vocational Schools (EPAS) ,Manpower Employment Organisation of Greece(OAED). The already low wages (23euro) who took students so far ,reaches 18 euros in the placement of analogy with other wages . At the same time the subsidy of the Manpower Employment Organisation of Greece(OAED)to the employers remains untouched in the amount of 12 euros, which had increased from last year. In that way the real amount that employers has to pay is 6 euros or 1 euro per hour for the wages of 18euros . It is the definition of cheap and flexible workforce.The young workers has to be half-educated and have a half-job to give free labor for employers.Employers the replace the workers who work with a stable job with cheap apprentices.

Parallel to several faculties and disciplines across the country, students remain unpaid for 2 and 3 months, with an unknown date for payment of accrued. Also, dozens of students in each division are waiting to start the practice.

Teachers of Vocational Schools (EPAS) with the struggle for a stable and permanent job offer currently have a duty to respond with the students in the deterioration of life of students and their families.

We invite students of Vocational Schools (EPAS) in large workplaces that work, to come into contact with their clubs, to thicken the lines. Clubs to get to schools, to take the initiative of organizing students to measure response to kink the wages, free to work for employers. By going forward with a robust class trade union movement we can stop them. Slaves of the 21st century we will not become.
Категория: Inernational news in English | Добавил: stbudg (17.06.2012)
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