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The PCPE follows with great attention and interest the events, taking place in recent weeks in several countries of northern Africa. The series of events that have taken place after the outbreak, last December, of the popular discontent in Tunisia, is a demonstration of the ability to mobilize of peoples long submitted to dictatorships and puppet regimes of imperialism.
The Tunisian demonstrations, which got what at first did not seem possible - the departure of the dictator Ben Ali - have been extended and today Egypt is the epicenter of popular mobilization. The possibility that the fuse continues burning and leads to new processes in other Arab countries is very much present today in all the foreign ministries of the imperialist powers.
The PCPE would like to express its support to the demonstrations, and to the Egyptian and Tunisian masses that who are sick of regimes based on the plundering and the theft to the people and have chosen the path of the struggle to eliminate them.
In the case of Tunisia, we welcome the creation of the Front January 14, whose claims of deepening the process and rejecting any kind of continuity in the interim government of ministers or officials of the Ben Ali - Trabelsi regime has to be strongly supported. Any other solution to the present Tunisian situation will be a triumph for imperialist powers, now mostly interested in not losing their influence in some countries that are strategically important to their plans.
In particular we denounce the role of the European Union in the Tunisian crisis, and specifically the role played by France, which holds major interests in the area and has historically shown a great collusion with oppressive regimes of the Maghreb and Africa. Similarly, the interests of the IMF, who repeatedly used Tunisia as an example for the region, will be fundamental to applying pressure and trying to redirect the Tunisian process.
At the same time, we welcome the broad mobilization of the Egyptian people, which has put against the wall the Mubarak regime. We recall that Egypt, under his rule, was the first Arab nation to betray the cause of the fraternal Palestinian people by recognizing the state of Israel, and is a key U.S. ally in the area.
We believe that Obama's repeated calls for stability in Egypt and the arrival of Mohamed El Baradei to lead the opposition movement, suggests that imperialism wants to immediately close any possibility of radical change in this country. The control of the strategic Suez Canal, key transit path of the Persian Gulf oil to Europe and USA, is a key element of the strategy of imperialism in the area.
As far as the Tunisian and Egyptian processes are traceable to the benefit of imperialism, the changes of the puppets are even desirable for the imperialist powers. We recall the case of Jean-Claude Duvalier in Haiti, who at the time he was a burden for the U.S. was ousted from power, in similar processes to the current processes of North Africa, and now his name sounds again to rule the country.
Therefore, the PCPE is convinced, along with sister organizations in Tunisia and Egypt, that the real success of these processes is only possible if they continue to deepen in the total dismantling of the corrupt regimes and whether there are constitutional processes that allow anti-imperialist, working class and popular forces, in alliance, to take control of them, in view of the final liberation of North African peoples of the imperialist yoke.
Solidarity is the tenderness of the peoples, long live proletarian internationalism! Madrid, February 1, 2011 International Area of the CC of PCPE
Категория: Inernational news in English | Добавил: stbudg (10.02.2011)
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