RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE COLLECTIVES OF YOUNG COMMUNISTS From the CJC we want to produce homage to the men and the women who decided, in front of the frustrated fascist coup d'état against the II Republic in the fateful day of 18th July, 1936, not to bend the head and fight. This struggle was not so much for the simple defense of a legal bourgeois republican frame, but for the military defeat and definitive politics of the oligarchy, the landowners and the catholic hierarchy, authentic bases of the fascist regime that began to grow during that July 18. The desicion of the peoples of Spain not to give up before the outrages of the fascism would suppose the begin of the Spanish Civil War, one of the most clear expressions in the Spanish State of the always present class struggle. In front of the oppressors it was conformed the so-called "republican side”, were an antifascist alliance was formed where political expression was the Frente Popular (Popular Front). This was a polyclassist front, but where the hegemony and the main actors were the working class, the peasantry and the popular sectors. The Republic of 1936 was not yet the one of ateneos and appassionato speeches about freedom, equality and brotherhood. This corresponded rather to the 1931 one, an illustrated Republic as the renewable Project of some bourgeois sectors. In 1936, on the other hand, it was the working class who was making the republican frame his and saw in him the possibility of making to advance a project that materialized his interests and there was making possible the target to construct the socialism. The fascist fraction´s actors well could have a place in the Universal History of the Infamy: from the pirate and smuggler Juan March, to the landowner Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart y Falcó, father of the current Duchess of Alba. From Millan Astray, so admirer of the death as disdainful of the intelligence; up to Franc, butcher of Asturias and then visible head of the National Movement, after the opportune death of Mola and Sanjurjo. But we should not stop too much in this line of bloodthirsty representatives of the darkest of our history, when we have excessive samples of the inspiring heroism of the republican faction, where the armed people was organizing himself as they could to face his tyrants in the days of July 17 and 18. We have the brave miners of Asturias, forged in the revolutionary struggles of 34, where it went so far as even to specify the first socialistic experiences as the proclamation of the Soviet of "La Argañosa” against the republican government of the black two-year period. We have anecdotes of heroism, such as the adherence to the struggle of the international athletes of the Popular Olympics, celebrated in response to the olympiads of the Germany Nazi, leading to a prototype of what they would be the international brigade members. We have also martyrs whose valor gave few fruits due to the indecision or the treachery of military men at first loyal to the Republic, such is the case of Miguel Cabanelles in Aragon, Antonio Aranda in Asturias or Gonzalo Queipo de Llano in Seville. They also might have his place deserve in the Universal History of the Infamy. We have the heroic CPS (Communist Party of Spain), authentically soul of the republican resistance, and probably the most organized, united and firm force in the struggle against the fascism. We have the example of the JSU, which teaches us that the only way to organize the youth happens for the unit and happens for the combat. We have the commitment and the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of men and women; young people and adults; communists, socialists, anarchists or simply republicans; people of all the origins and all the sensibilities, which felt identified with a struggle with that they compromised his life. We have, finally, the bold construction of the Fifth Regiment by the PCE (Party Communist of Spain) that, with discipline and organization assured the unassailable defense of Madrid up to the late treachery of Casado and those sad sectors that were supporting him. The glorious Fifth Regiment in many senses would constitute a model to follow after the famous defeats of the militias of more primitive organization in Aragon, Badajoz or Malaga. The more and more professional organization of the republican army to face the regular fascist army was looking like the only exit for many people, the armament mailing from the USSR guaranteed many days of resistance and valor as well as the guarantee of big heroes tempered in the struggle, heroes as Lister, Modesto or Tagüeña. This would allow to organize the Popular Army, the first Spanish army of the working class, where the communists played an impressive role. The CJC calls to everything antifascist and republican one to celebrate the July 18 and to stops it to be a black date. Everything has his reverse and the antifascist reverse is glorious, let's study this inspiring journey and those who continued it to gather forces against the important struggles that wait for us in the current structural crisis of the capitalism opposite to the politics that pillages to the hard-working class and the popular classes and that are a continuation of the situation created by the fascism, latent and present today, in many aspects and senses, in the institutions of the Spanish State. The bourgeoisie either must have very clear that we will not get tired of fighting, we take the fourth three parts of century fighting and we are not going to stop until recovering our Republic.