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Statement 20N
Statement 20N

The dictator had died, but his desire to end his dictatorship without leaving any place to leave no loose ends, being appointed a monarch who countless times swear their alliance to the "national movement” laws and who was educated under the tutelage of the dictator. Not in vain, in his proclamation speech, Juan Carlos de Borbon affirmed without any shame: "The name of Francisco Franco is now a Spanish milestone that will be impossible not to refer to understand the key of our contemporary political life. With respect and gratitude I want to remember the figure of someone who for many years assumed the hard responsibility of leading the government of the state”. The continuity of the head of state was guaranteed with the figure of the King Juan Carlos, who recognized the good job of Franco during the dictatorship despite the tens of thousands of deaths, despite the brutal repression against the working class and students and their organizations, despite the sentences of death that had been executed not long time before those words.

During the years after Franco’s death, the day on November 20 became in a day of the commemoration and apology of Franco’s regime, in which different fascist groups used to take the streets recalling the leader with nostalgia. Today we can say that the day on November 20 became in a day of anti-fascism struggle, a new milestone of the long history of struggle against fascism. This is the result of the organized anti-fascist movement determination in the entire state, which for year has faced and wasn’t afraid of the "nightstick dialectic” of the state.

However, the fight against fascism and racism is not confined just to elements of our recent history, it is a present political bet. The anti-immigration discourse, driven by extreme right groups and the most reactionary sectors of the major parties of the system, carry out by the security forces of the state, it begins to consolidate in our country: an example is Hermes Operation, a police operation on a large scale carried out in October, organized by the member countries of the European Union in order to verify their ability to control the inmigrant population through the extensive harassment in "possible entries routes, train stations, buses and ports”, we must also take account of the growth experienced by certain organizations electioneering that raise as principal premise a racist rhetoric, especially arab-phobic, in Spain and others European countries, that some of them have gained parliamentary representation and institutional. Youth is precisely the main objective of these groups, which is sometimes confused by the demagoguery of the anti-immigration discourse getting off responsibility to the debilitation of public services, the common crime, increasing rates of unemployment….giving that responsibility to immigrant population, when those are consequences of the capitalist system. This is today one of the main challenges to be faced by the organized anti-fascist movement, aware of the indissoluble unity of the working class, whatever their national origin. Youth say NO to racism and xenophobia.

They will not pass!

Central comite of CJC 20 November 2010
internacional cjc <internacional@cjc.es>
Категория: Inernational news in English | Добавил: stbudg (07.12.2010)
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