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Solidarity against the represion of tha revolutionary youth in basque country
Dear comrades:

As you probably know, the repression of the political freedoms in
Spain has become wider in the last decade. In the last years, we have
suffered arrests, trials and banning of demonstrations and many
political events.

The youth is suffering specially the repression.

The territory where the repression is bigger is the Basque country,
where the youth and the people have suffered banning of political
events, newspapers, arrests, closing of gaztetxes (places owned by the
revolutionary youth to organise all kind of political and social
events) and banning of youth organizations.

The independentist youth is suffering the biggest repression: under
the period of government of Aznar it was oficially accused of being
"terrorist" and during the last year, massive arrestments happened,
including the joint arrestment of 34 young independentists.

CJC is a communist organization and for us it is a internationalist
duty to support the struggle of the Basque youth for democracy and
socialism. This is why we ask our fraternal international friends and
comrades to sign the following manifesto, supporting the political
freedoms in the Basque country.

You can sign the manifesto here:


 internacional cjc <internacional@cjc.es> 

Категория: Международные новости | Добавил: stbudg (01.03.2010)
Просмотров: 456 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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