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Ukrainian Kharkov oblast newspaper


weekly paper                   www.stbudg.ucoz.ru               Special paper # 5, october 28, 2007



  • Announcement. It covers that on 29 october 2007 will be organized public phone conversation between political prisoner Smirnov A.V., who is held now in prison and inhabitants of Kharkov.

  • Resolution of picketing of Kharkov oblast Soviet of Ukraine on october 26, 2007 with the demand to recognize that the power of Ukrainian capitalists commits crime of genocide due to the native people of Ukraine, who were pushed to live in poverty by rich men.

  • Issue on Manuel Lopez - the Head of the Ukrainian committe to free the Cuban Five, a member of the board of the Ukrainian Association of Friendship and Solidarity with the Cuban Nation, who visited Kharkov. This issue covers that Kharkov Oblast Association of Friendship and Solidarity with the Cuban Nation, Kharkov Oblast committe to free the Cuban Five were established in Kharkov on october 27, 2007.

  • Appeals of Ukrainan Zhitomirsy oblast committe to free the Cuban Five and the 3 rd International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba in Moscow. They cover the topic of the 5 political prisoners of USA.


The full collection of links to the soviet,

socialist, communist, anti-imperialist

anti-american and anti-war pictures

  • www.poster.genstab.ru - the fullest gallery of pictures

  • www.mina.ru

  • www.sovetsky-soyuz.narod.ru/foto

  • www.sashazxc.narod.ru/kommuz.htm/

  • www.allbest.ru/catalog/a13/a16351htm

  • www.petrograd.biz/plakat

  • www.nbp.nm.ru

  • www.plakaty.ru

  • www.propagandist.narod.ru/plakaty/main1.htm

  • www.weapon.nm.ru

Warning: Web www.davno.ru contains falsified pictures.

Collection of links

to the soviet and present songs of struggle and protest

  • www.sovmusic.ru

  • www.petrograd.biz/stalin - songs on Stalin

Full collection of links

to the left (including communist) parties

  • www.broadleft.org

  • www.aglob.ru/links

  • www.protiv.ru/links.shtml

Informational resources

on international movement of communists

  • www.korea-is-one.org - web of North Korea.

  • www.radioreloj.cu - International Radio of Cuba.

  • www.granma.cu - daily papaer of CC of Commnist Party of Cuba.

  • www.antiterroristas.cu, www.freethefive.org, www.freeforfive.org - webs to fre the Cuban Five.

  • www.minrex.cu - web of the Ministry of Foreign Affars of Cuba.

  • www.solidnet.org - web of solidarity maintained by the communist Party of Greece (review on countries).

  • www.idcpc.org.cn/english - web of internationl department of CC of Communist Party of China.


Dear comrades:

It cheers to maintain contacts to us with you. We have received your document with I title “Capitalism is genocide”, that we have placed in our page Web. You can see it in www.pcoe.net. We have made 2500 copies of this document in Russian and have given to ucranianos immigrants. The majority says to us that all whatever is said is truth. The ucranianos that work in Spain live like slaves. Generally, the ucranianas women work in houses of rich people, who in their majority are industralists. The treatment is bad, and work of sun sun. We would like to make documents for these ucranianos workers explaining their sad situation and elevating their conscience. I know many immigrants, some work in factories without legal documents and

with a very low pay. Next shipment a document on the situation in my country.

Communist Party of Working Spain


Against the state of emergency, emergency situation in the Vasco country

Little by little the facists are imposing their law under protection of the malparido one “Been of Right”. The halting of militants of the Abertzale Left, the registry of houses and seats in Euskal Herria is framed within the repressive policy of the Spanish capitalist state in a war without truce against everything what puts its nature of class at issue and imperialistic.

All of them are measured, against the freedom of expression and meeting, no matter how much they are wanted to adorn. The Basque town is undergoing the siege of the Spanish state under the false pretext to end the terrorism and it becomes conejillo of India of the reactionary policy of the present facists, because the happened thing in today, is the signal of arrogance and despotism that sends the state against everything what it moves under opposite ideological principles to the monarchy, the false unit of Spain and the capitalist system.

The values that the present democracy defends, are such that it safeguard the Francoism for the simple reason that this one has not died and their continuators have encaramados themselves in the institutions of the state and the representative organizations but, and act undamaged before the passivity and the giving up of the parliamentary parties.

Once again one demonstrates that the capitalist state is an organ of oppression that defends the interests of the great capital and its administrators, through all its institutions. In this way, while the workers are scared to exert their rights, and they request sentences to prison until of 3 years and means to participate in strikes (case of Extruperfil), in as much are dismissed by hundreds to present/display to elections union, when they remain in prison in infrahuman conditions militant Communists of the PCE (r) and the liberties of the Basque town are kidnapped, true terrorists not are questioned and live to body on king, as it happens with the patronos that do not fulfill the norms of labor security, whose cause dies hundreds of workers every year.

It is absolutely false that the Spanish state does not persecute the criminal ideas but acts, as their representatives say. In this case, it is not understood that Aznar that by means of the verified lie sent the troops to invade to a foreign country and to kill to hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including children is not judged by “the democratic” courts Where is justice? Where is Garzón? On the contrary, the government of Zapatero via Ministry of Education grants 600 million to him annual pesetas to maintain his forum of diffusion of the world-wide fascismo, that projects to annihilate the governments “Populists” of Latin America.

The PCOE condemns the repression against the workers, the Communists and specially at this moment against the Abertzale Left, Batasuna, ANV and the Communist Party of Basque Earth. In this sense it really calls to the democrats, republicans, to the revolutionary left, to raise his voice firmly, against the state of emergency, emergency situation concealed in Euskal Herria.

Communist Party Working Spain (PCOE)

A hollow to the reason

To the entrance of century XXI, the Spanish labor movement suffers he himself degree of operation, humiliation, scorn and punishment that Capitalism historically has reserved for he himself to international scale. The defeat of the call field of the socialism has lead to a state of deep autismo to the punished sectors but of the new esclavista society. The new international frame has deactivated many communist organizations and has castrated ideologically to an ample fan of groups that gave sense to their fight to the light of the Revolution of October.

Nevertheless, special a referring one for the towns of Latin American constitutes the Cuban revolution. In spite of incessant the harassment of imperialism against the island, Cuba lays to ways and hopes with the construction and development of the socialism as opposed to more aggressive the imperialistic power of the history of the humanity.

Other towns, to the heat of the victories of the Cuban town in the defense of their sovereignty and the consolidation of a social policy to the service of a whole town, have initiated a long way to free themselves of the imperial yoke. In spite of the strong positions of the bourgeoisies and the internal counterrevolutions supported by the EE.UU., these countries they initiate a process of changes.

However, the only Latin American country that has defeated to the internal counterrevolution has been Cuba. What positions to this country to the revolutionary vanguard and example of all the initiated processes, not only in Latin America, but in all the planet. Only the application of the socialism, of the experiences of the marxism leninismo, has been able to build this victory.

Now, when the plans from Miami more are aired than ever, when the plans of the mercenarios installed in Florida appear ridiculed and disabled to damage the Revolution. Imperialism sends a subtle contrarrevolucionaria campaign from some mass media with incidence in the progressive sectors.

A ten of intellectuals wins the average politicians of spreading, with an unusual diffusion. Petras, Harnecker, Pedro Fields, Celia Hart and others, seem to register the fight of the towns, with a language that seems to be in tune with the sectors of the left. No militancy is known them some, is as if the organizations were of more. They raise magical prescriptions for the revolutions while its practice does not induce to the militant commitment.

In our country, tribunes in Internet for these new prattlers arose from fairs. Kaosenlared, Rebellion, and others, that do not waste the time at the time of censuring to the PCOE in their means, while they open the revolutionary doors so that pseudo- spills lies on the Cuban revolution. Applauded by reformists, trotskistas and all “istas” of which Capitalism is worth, they publish books to big drum and subjects of gossip, they participate in conferences with a high “cache”, and elevate its words to the Biblical height.

By our part, with modest means of a composed communist organization essentially by workers, we raised from this Web our voice in Cuba defense and of the rich experiences of the labor movement, written by its fights and their organizations. We opened a breach to imperialism and left an opened hollow to the reason.

Communist Party Working Spain (PCOE)


Категория: Новости из Харькова | Добавил: stbudg (09.12.2007) | Автор: Светличный
Просмотров: 1490 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 4.8/5 |

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