Political Report
Although the developed EE.UU and countries but, are obstinate in diminishing the effects of the financial crisis, derived from the real estate speculation of that country, propagating the idea beyond that it will not go its borders and therefore, they make an effort in demonstrating that it is not an international phenomenon, the reality it prevails and it reveals that any event has universal repercussions, since the contemporary economy is a economic-political concatenation of causes and effects that multitude of countries chains.
The facts are tozudos and the measures that are adopted desdicen that the financial crisis is a purely local and possible event without greater importance. In recent dates, the central banks of the European Union, Australia, Japan, Switzerland and the United States injected to their respective financial systems more than 300 billion dollars, to the object to put boundary to a massive flight of investments. Measurement this one that as we see has its origin in the situation in which is at the moment the real estate sector of the United States that has made shake the bags worldwide.
But, this crisis does not come single and as a result of the economic readjustments which they are had to carry out by the new contradictions, that constantly the capitalist system generates, as it happens to the search of alternative energies (biocarburantes), that demands the use of great amounts of raw materials, in this case the cereals, prevén raised extraordinary of great social openwork in foods of first necessity (bread, milk etc.) as they already announce officially in some countries (Belgium, Spain…).
To greater abundance, every day that happens, the empires find more obstacles to control and to direct the course of the economic events. It is necessary to consider that because of the call “globalización”, with its expansions and deslocalizaciones, through which, the multinationals have been located in distant places of their origins and countries of little industrial resonance, is forming a new world-wide panorama. The monopolies and the multinationals generate or of the total of the elaborated gross product in the world, more of 50% in the subjugated countries, in the developing nations or dependent of imperialism, in where the policy and the economy evolve with bumps, always in an atmosphere of greater instability sociopolítico with respect to the states European and North American, because their towns do not enjoy, absolutely, of which they produce. In 2007, these same countries hoard altogether, in reserves currencies, a post that surpasses the three trillions of dollars, whereas the industrialized countries but hold half of this volume. For that reason the war and facist the antisocial laws of cut, continue being the fundamental elements to consider by the imperialistic states, to extinguish any fire that pledges in its own countries and to maintain the present situation international and of this it stews, they violently restrain all indication of independence that arises in any place of the world and that could break the new economic figure, that without a doubt exacerbaría the capitalist Inter contradictions.
It is not object of this report to enter completely the exhaustive analysis of the economic situation world-wide level, which persecutes is only the way of introduction to contextualizar the economic panorama and political Spanish, in order to elaborate our nearer and tangible tactics.
Spain is not more than a link of the imperialistic chain. Each event that takes place in another zone of the world, specially in the EE.UU affects the unfolding of the economy and the policy of our country. North American imperialism exerts in all the senses a very special influence. Any decision making that takes place in the White House, is considered and finally coreada in Europe and therefore in Spain.
The lack of a party revolutionary hard and consolidated can be affirmed that single, frees the socialist government to see put under he himself harassment that the PP received to become jumbled in the war of Iraq under the auspices of the EE.UU. To anybody can deceive the cabinet of Zapatero already in which it talks about to the participation of the Spanish army in different foreign countries, that it goes beyond the intention to provide humanitarian aid, in a clear putting in practice of the strategy imperialistic pro (European and North American) of the PSOE. We can state that in Europe, the effects of the crisis pronounce progressively and that they are to palliate with the constant ascent of the Euribor, that by the way announces a new rise for September and as it is logical, the exit to the desperate one by this conduit to the bud of the new crisis, opens new cracks in the domestic economy that is in the limit of its possibilities. These ascents increase in price the mortgages in our country. Similar speculative phenomenon, forces the working town to contract to mortgages with terms of 30 years with tendency towards the 50 years, that in too many cases also conceal credits of smaller organization to acquire vehicles, furniture etc, causing the sobreindebtedness that in the hour present asphyxia to the worker. During the second trimester of this year the Spanish families destined 44.8% of their gross rent to the acquisition of house.
She is worth the trouble to remember that the referential one for the mortgages, is going to raise shortly until 4.6%, being this one the level upper in seven years, whose propensity to the rise is so far unstoppable and will continue. The own UE returns to alert, this time with greater emphasis, of the increase of the prices in basic foods after the increase already conducted of 28% in eggs in only a year and of 75% in the flour from the past month of April. In this same direction, the greater agencies of the world of qualification of credit risk Moody Standard · s and and Poor´s, notice each one by their side, of which the call Spanish economic miracle basically impelled and maintained by the inner consumption, walks towards a “steep end”, because the forced adjustment will as resulting from take place the crisis of the international markets, that agrees and influences remarkably in the end of the “real estate boom” in Spain.
The measures that the Spanish government applies to neutralize the new crisis, have character of I patch that in anything attempt structurally to the economy, and by all means are identical to the rest of the developed states more. In the economic thing it excels the armament cost, because by each euro that the socialist government destines to the sanitary investigation, dedicates five to the military man, in a clear effort to put itself to the height of the most belligerent countries of the imperialismos, with which it wishes to share table and table cloth.
In the political plane, the repression is the norm of conduct of the European governments that goes from the ilegalización of communist youths in Czechoslovakia to the prohibition of strikes. For example the general strike of transports in Germany summoned from the 9 of August, has been prohibited by a court of Nüremberg, with which the unit between the government and the judicial power is confirmed fehacientemente. Also the new law adopted by the National Assembly of France on the minimum services and the date of call of strikes in the transports (trains, meter bus), represents a involución in the rights of the workers. In Spain, the PP persuades to the government on the necessity to change the law of strikes, which would suppose a great step more in the backward movement than it takes to effect in the rights and liberties of the workers.
Although in other countries of the UE as it is the case of Belgium, the freedom of expression this being attacked, as pour denounces the “Plateforme I freed d´association ET d´expression”; with the usual pretext to end the terrorism; nevertheless, in the political land our governors surpass the rest of the European countries. In Spain, the taking of position on political aspects, for a long time it has been stopping being power and of the free will of the parties to happen to depend on the dictatorial imposition of the policies of the PSOE and the PP, that form a single one when it is to defend the capitalist state. A fact that demonstrates the concomitancia between both parties, facilitates us the state aid that the government of the PSOE grants during this year for the foundations run by the PP and the PSOE, that are dedicated to cultivate and to propagate their political thoughts. Around billion pesetas they distribute to the FAES of Jose Maria Aznar (tie to the PP and the international neofascismo) and the Foundation Pablo Churches of Alfonso War (bound to the PSOE) granted by the Ministry of Culture.
Under the false pretext to fight the terrorism they are jailed to militants of the nationalistic left (Otegi), ilegaliza HB and its newspaper is closed without to have used the “terrorist” overflowing its own laws and drawing for the bourgeois constitution, single violence by the fact of not condemning explicitly the ETA violence (nothing else) and as they dictate.
In our country, also they are jailed to Communists (PCEr) without to have participated in no violent act and the ilegalización of this party stays, after agreeing to the effective laws. The question is that for the governors, the important thing is not that the parties are put under their laws, of in case retrograde and more and more reactionary, but that they look for the way and the moment for prohibiting the Comunism and the opposite, at the present time, for them, means to take a step backwards. If they did not have the excuse of the terrorism they would invent new pretexts.
In the labor land it increases the repression on the union positions. In the last year more than 500 workers of all the state they have been dismissed to appear to the union elections. While, the patronos act undamaged with facist attitudes. It already is normal that the industralists defraud to the state and the worker, with non-payments of the social insurances, the use of the drug trafficking money, paying to the worker smaller amount of the one than it says in his list, and in many occasions not even they register to his employees in the social security. But most bleeding and indignante it is impunity with which the industralist conducts itself neglecting the norms of security in the work. It is enough with saying that in six months 580 workers in their jobs have died, in which we must call and propagate like supervisory terrorism. To which there is to add that 510,302 accidents with loss took place.
Another bleeding aspect is the situation of hundreds of thousands of immigrants who live in conditions of tremendous poverty and which they constitute an important lucrative factor for the employer's association. With the purpose of multiplying its benefits industralists and landowners they make use of the means of the State to create an ambiguous frame of semi-illegality that allows the operation in optimal for the orerator and extremely míseras conditions for the immigrant. In the production relations the immigrant as person does not have value some for the industralist to who to not matters him to offer dangerous starvation wages, works and interminable labor days to them. He is not for that reason strange that the statistics show the high index of labor sinisterness of working immigrants. The rights of these workers completely are annihilated, and the industralists do not have repairs in making it public. Hundreds of thousand of women immigrants work in particular houses without discharge in the Social Security, established schedules and by irrisorios pays. In the field this situation becomes still more burdens showing the face of the cruelest and cruel operation. In the province of Huelva there are good examples of it. Thousands of workers, in their majority magrebíes, Rumanian and Polish live hacinadas in ships field in the heat of, and even work of sun sun Sundays by a wage that does not reach the 900 euros. The landowners allowed the luxury to select to these in their countries of origin guaranteeing that they had familiar loads that allowed to their submission and its infrahuman operation.
By virtue of the content of this brief report, one opens four fronts to us that we must face with decision: The fight by the liberties and rights, the scarcity of life, the unit of the workers and the attainment of which it can be the embryo of the popular front.
The fight by the liberties and the rights of the workers and the towns that compose the Spanish state acquires great importance at the moment. As much the government, as practically all the political parties that they compose the parliamentary arc, they agree in fighting the terrorism like primary task of the state, reason why, openly and others subrepticiamente, is in agreement with the application of measures that involve a serious backward movement for the town in the bourgeois democratic system. He in fact tries himself to religiously follow the impositions of the PP and the PSOE, that conceal their reactionary conducts with the combat against the “terrorism” under the slogan of which in that fight all bond.
Independently of which one agrees or not with the fight method that maintains ETA, it is not possible to be seen with good eyes, that many, too many professional and politólogos analysts of the right parties and left, attribute to their activity the implantation of undemocratic measures, (fights antiterrorist) with which, of a blow they exempt of responsibility to the bourgeois state, with the only intention to justify his passivity before a constant aggression to the liberties and the political rights.
It is evident that the bourgeois state takes advantage of any opportunity to get worse its repressive policy, but this one is a Metaphysical form to approach the problem, the cardinal cause is necessary to look for it in the degree of development of the fight of classes.
We said previously that if international Capitalism could not make use of the “terrorism” as it excuses, would look for another justification. Today all the adversaries of the system are catalogued terrorist, yesterday, when international the communist movement was strong, to the enemies of Capitalism were called Communists to them. In Belgium the hand of the reaction is shaken to repress the freedom of expression; nevertheless, this country does not face any type of “terrorism”. The Spanish workers have lost spending power, are repressed by the employer's association and its judicial institutions, without there has been no attack and without there is half-full no “terrorist” interference. The employer's association and the government of the monopolies advance, because the workers back down. At the same moment that the fight of classes acquires its true meaning by the taking of conscience of the working class, the “terrorism” will spend to a second or third plane, and it even can disappear.
It is necessary to emphasize again that the PCOE has demonstrated whenever is in favor of the fight of masses against the system and has put record of as it is his position with respect to the nationalism and to the violent acts. Beyond our proposals, nothing or nobody are the one who stops to much less impose to the PCOE a political decision making, when they need it, and that serves to corear the voices of those who practice the terrorism against the workers and try the ilegalización of the Comunism. The PCOE cannot agree with the reaction, without reduction to explain the roots of the problems that aquejan to the Spanish society within the marxism-leninismo.
While ilegalizados parties of left exist, while militant Communists and of left give with their bones in the Spanish jails, while they die working by the supervisory terrorism, while the patronos dismiss, while the workers are scared to exert the policy, the PCOE with impunity will not shake the hand to him to denounce to the bourgeois State, to request the freedom of the jailed ones and to fight unconditionally by the freedom and the rights of the workers and the towns who form the Spanish state, in this cannot be waived necessity, the PCOE will be arranged to combine their efforts with the other political forces in syntony.
We insisted on which nothing or nobody are going to us to turn aside the attention on the judgment and the explanation by the roots of the problem. The violence in the Basque Country is in the negation to this town of its right to the self-determination. The violence begins when the Spanish state imposes to Euskadi by the force of the law, the policy and the judicial repression its will, against desires of its citizens without giving option him to that these decide what wants to be and with whom they want to be. What the majority parties try is not to end the terrorism, but to prevent that the debate is opened on the right to the self-determination and is absolutely false that the “Spanish democracy” admits any political tendency and single condemns the violent method to obtain it, in such case the rejection to the weak one is not understood and decaffeinated Ibarretxe plan.
The fight against the scarcity of life at these moments in which the Spanish families feel overwhelmed by the ascent of the mortgages and the increase of the prices of foods of first necessity, must also be approached like a very important referential point, sometimes will serve departure to elevate the conscience of the working town and has to comprise of our tactics to obtain the unit of the workers, with whom we must form the UNIQUE FRONT OF the TOWN.
That is to say, the fight against the scarcity of life and by the Unique Front of the Town. he is an all unique one to obtain the unit of the working class in the UNIQUE FRONT OF WORKERS. The unit of the working class is the alpha and the Omega of the policy of masses of the PCOE, and we will not resign to her under any concept. The unit of the workers is essential to end the bourgeois regime, for that reason the PCOE rejects with all their energies any act that comes to deepen still more, in their lamentable state of division, that delays its emancipation returning them submissive and because it constitutes an insurmountable obstacle so that the class conscience penetrates in the labor movement.
In accordance with the exposed thing, we received with bitterness the news of the constitution of a new union sponsored by the SOC, that does not do more than to separate in but pieces which this exangüe, without life. At the moment so important it is necessary to construct to unite, of what it is worth to reunite to us little that there is of conscious in a single organization while the thickness (thousand times but) of workers with little or nothing of conscience is under the rules of the division and after the influences of one hundred greater and smaller unions and of the policy of the reformist parties and right?
The assembly of committees and delegates of companies
first passage to the solution of the problem
The theory all we know it: the parties of false allegiance of left (PSOE) and reformists (PCE-IU) and the unions paridos to the heat of their traicioneras policies, to which there are to add the alternatives these anchored in he himself system, are the guilty of which the labor movement is desideologizado and divided, but from here What to do?
It is evident that the problem, although it is offered to us like a vicious circle, because desideologización exists vice versa because there is division and; nevertheless and without less end to approach both slopes simultaneously, we understand that it will be the organizational aspect, the one that will try the definitive solution to us.
A systematic propaganda and pertinaz about the shortage and of the operation of the workers, who nobody doubt that there is to carry out it, will help us but it is not going to us to facilitate the organic unit of the working class, if it does not go accompanied with the strategy of vertebración of the labor movement. There is nothing no to invent, the company committee gives the key us for our performance.
The original Document of the FUT explains clearly, that the majority unions with little affiliation, stays and can influence in great masses of workers, thanks to the electoral system in the work centers. It is not necessary to repeat it. And as solution gives a series of prescriptions: “In answer to this situation, we defend that the ASSEMBLIES OF WORKERS name their representatives (committees, commissions or delegates) using the method that they create but opportune, as she could by hand be raised in summoned extraordinary assembly on the matter, or by means of universal suffrage with a single list opened by each electoral school.
Later we defend the constitution of the assembly of committees of companies of he himself union, with which it would be formed the UNIQUE UNION OF UNION. Later we advocated the Assembly Interunions, composed by the representatives chosen in the different assemblies from unions by territory (local, provincial, regional or national and state) being definitively formed the UNIQUE POWER STATION OF WORKERS.
Naturally, at the moments that we lived not they give the conditions so that in all the centers of work the process by the principle can be initiated, that is to say, by the Assembly of Workers, for that reason, the propaganda to democratizar the assemblies must be constant, so that little by little it is piercing in the mind of the workers. The problem of the assemblies will be resolved in the long term, if no, everything would be but simple of which at first it seems to us.
But the satisfactory note but of which it express the document of the FUT, is that it is possible to be begun by any side and we must choose and the closest possible one, although all are very difficult.
That is to say, if the assembly of committees and delegates of companies existed, we would plead in our propaganda for the constitution of the Assembly Interunions etc. We must be conscious of which we have at the hand and that does not suppose at the present time any utopia, or something distant to the workers. We are talking about to the delegates and committee s de empresas.
It is necessary to propagate and to propose by any means, the assembly of committees of companies and delegates of union in the first place (, since we have seen does not finish the structuring) does not concern the political and union color of its components, it does not matter here either, the conscience degree that hoards the committee. The calls committees and delegates of influence of unions yellow and made by the industralists even must be forced to participate in the assembly that must be institutionalized.
We know that the unions are against one such slogan, since it is the antithesis of his political activity, directed to divide, but it is necessary to perseverar and on a par that is invited to the committees for its participation, it is necessary to heatedly spread between the workers the necessity that they press his “representatives” so that its company is present in the assembly.
Here solidarity begins, begins the discussion of the common problems here, this one must be the organism that can restrain the union and labor repression of the industralists and this one will be the formula to face the privatizations and deslocalizaciones.
The single constitution of the assembly of delegated committees of companies and will cause the indignation of the power stations and specially of the industralists and will provoke an ample debate between the workers, due to the frustrating experiences that day to day accumulate sinsabores in the labor scope.
In addition, to carry out one such slogan, single it is enough desires and to start up and is an objective for any union worker or no, or group of workers eager to change the present state of the labor movement. And mainly, it can be an extraordinary incentive for the conjunction of activities of the political parties, with which we are arranged to collaborate to take to good port the unit of the working class from this point.
It is necessary to end of once and for always the sad spectacle that concretely provides the one that the dismissal of a worker of the CNT, or CC.OO., or the UGT etc. single is secundado by the workers of their company and but only by the union to which the dismissed one belongs. A SINGLE CLASS, AN ORGANISM THAT REPRESENTS IT: THE ASSEMBLY OF COMMITTEES AND DELEGATES OF COMPANIES.
The Party on the other hand and also the FUT by his will dedicate an extensive campaign of propaganda to open debates on this aspect of the labor movement, simultaneously that will explain what content must have and as they must be his objectives.
We do not have to fear that once obtained to the assembly of delegates and committees, in this one preweighs the unions of reformist tendencies. This assembly of in case it constitutes a great step to continue with our work until reaching the democratization of the assemblies. Anyway, it would mean a backward movement of the employer's association and the unions, a step upwards, towards the construction of the unique union so and as it preaches the FUT.
The party
That it doubts fits that jointly with the putting in practice of our tactics to introduce to us in the movement shifts, it will happen the consolidation and organic extension of the PCOE. As much to consolidate the existing thing as to receive with guarantees of operation the new militants, the party must be centered in the leninistas norms of organization and very specially it must strictly observe the defense of the principles Marxist-leninistas.
It is not easy, with the circumstances that surround to us. We never must forget that the PCOE as soon as has in agreement voice and is it obtaining, will find many ties that will oppose our enemies of class. We see as all the propaganda is in certain way handled by interests.
Those centers of diffusion that are self-proclaimed independent and open to all type of information “even come from where it comes from the left” are showing his true face (Kaosenlared, Rebellion…) denying the participation to us. And still the party is small, but its ideology is strong and its tactics are guessed right.
On the other hand, we do not have to let take to us by false feelings nor by the appearances. The Communist Movement the International still is under the effects of the crisis and many parties, have still not found their ideological identity in spite of their ultrarevolutionary verborrea.
After see as happen the the meeting between Party Communist worldwide, (with those that agree de acuerdo) and after observe that of these meeting and seminary arise declaration very “revolutionary” in defense of the the principle, attend also stupefied, as attack to the marxism-leninismo, without no of these party raise his voice against who or who mount such attack. We talked about in particular the uprisings of the president of Venezuela, Mr. Chávez. The PCOE has always stood out and will continue in this line whichever Venezuela and Chávez their president, declares of anti-imperialist. But in the same way that the support of the parties Marxist-leninistas to the present stage of the bolivariana revolution, has not been enough to him to Mr. Chávez not to attack against them (against the marxism-leninismo), similarly to the Marxists-leninistas nobody must demand to them that they are not able to defend his principles when they are despised and pisoteados by Mr. Chávez or any other.
The European left, perhaps by its inoperancia, or lack of short term perspective has deposited all its hope in Latin America, reaching the conclusion that it will be that way by where will come the socialism again. We are not going to desdecir nothing on the matter, because he is not it in this report, but the analyses that have been carried out are triunfalistas and were of the marxist-leninist margin. Single Cuba deserves creditor to us of the Socialist title, whereas the other countries not even glimpse so far their threshold.
The PCOE supports all the Latin American movements that are raised against in justice and imperialism, but of considering there that all movement leads to the socialism we understand it like an aberration that we are not arranged to maintain. For the PCOE, the source of where emanates the premises and the ideological direction against the capitalist system, to construct the socialism it is necessary at the present time to look for it in the marxism-leninismo, to which we did not resign nor we will resign and whose cause we give sense to our existence.
Political Secretary of the Communist Party of Workng Spain