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Resolution of the Central Committee of the Collective of Communist Youth

 We, communists of the CJC and the PCPE, have spent many months demanding a General Strike through rallies in the street, public events, in mobilizations and through the propaganda and tables in the streets. 

 Throughout this time we have tried to organize (within our possibilities) the responses of the working youth against the capitalist crisis. In two and a half months, the working class has had his first call for General Strike in the whole Spanish State and each one of the militants will make the greatest effort to make an advance in fight and organization of that day for the working class.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 471 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 10.08.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Los Colectivos de Jóvenes Comunistas, CJC, como organización miembro de la Federación Mundial de la Juventud Democrática, hemos participado históricamente en los Festivales que se han ido organizando por parte de la Federación. En esta ocasión participaremos en el 17 Festival Mundial de la Juventud y los Estudiantes que se llevará a cabo en Sudáfrica en diciembre de este año.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 489 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 10.08.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The Collective of Young Communists, CJC, as an organization member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, has taken part historically of the Festivals that have been organizing by the Federation. In that occasion, we’ll take part of the 17th World Festival of the Youth and the Students that will be carried out in South Africa in that year, December.
That Festival, dedicated to Fidel Castro and to Nelson Mandela, will be carried out in South Africa, country that contained the fight against the apartheid, against the racism and against the imperialism.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 464 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 10.08.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Monday, August 2, 2010
IMF Debt Hypocrisy: Sticking It to the Hungarians 
For decades, left critics of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have maintained that the IMF is merely a tool for enforcing the interests of financial elites, especially those in the US. Predictably, this view has been scornfully dismissed by those in power and their media lackeys who posture the institution as the benefactor of needy countries. The persistent history of the IMF’s extortionate funding, linked to austere cuts in social spending, is simply dismissed as pressing fiscal responsibility on countries lacking the spine to address their profligacy. Such are the myths that sustain faith in global capitalism.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 489 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 10.08.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Los CJC queremos rendir homenaje a los hombres y las mujeres que decidieron, ante el fallido golpe de estado fascista contra la II República en la fatídica jornada del 18 de Julio de 1936, no agachar la cabeza y luchar. Esta lucha no era tanto por la simple defensa de un marco legal burgués republicano, sino por la derrota militar y política definitiva de la oligarquía, los terratenientes y la jerarquía católica, auténticas bases del régimen fascista que comenzó a gestarse durante aquel 18 de julio.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 457 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 01.08.2010 | Комментарии (0)

From the CJC we want to produce homage to the men and the women who decided, in front of the frustrated fascist coup d'état against the II Republic in the fateful day of 18th July, 1936, not to bend the head and fight. This struggle was not so much for the simple defense of a legal bourgeois republican frame, but for the military defeat and definitive politics of the oligarchy, the landowners and the catholic hierarchy, authentic bases of the fascist regime that began to grow during that July 18.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 485 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 01.08.2010 | Комментарии (0)




The Central Committee of the Galizan People’s Union (UPG), meeting Saturday 3 July, analysed the current political situation characterised by renewed attacks by the Spanish Government with the backing of the Galizan Government on the working class and the popular classes as a whole, once again proving that the Popular Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) both defend the same policy dictated by the IMF and the European Commission which seeks to do away with social rights and to ensure that the consequences of crisis are paid for by the most vulnerable sectors of society and dependant nations such as Galiza.


The Central Committee believes that an ideological counter-offensive to global neoliberalism is more necessary than ever in order to show the masses that alternatives do exist as a way out of the current crisis, with policies based on a new global and European framework geared to the needs of the nations and popular classes. The current model geared to an economy based on speculation has shown itself to be unworkable and must now be replaced by a new model on the road to socialism as defined by the UPG. As far as the Spanish State is concerned, at the current time this new model must guarantee the recognition of the State’s true multinational make-up, and must give priority to the productive sectors of the economy and to the social and labour rights of the popular classes.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 460 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 25.07.2010 | Комментарии (0)

In 1795, the justices of Berkshire established a scale of relief for the poor and underemployed in England. This revolutionary departure from the draconian, punitive English Poor laws established a base line of survival or minimum standard of living to be guaranteed to those whom circumstances placed below this level. Known as the Speenhamland system, this approach soon prevailed throughout England. As Karl Polanyi pointed out in his essential book, The Great Transformation, Speenhamland effectively established, for the first time, a "right to live.” It was abolished in 1834. Polanyi remarked, "Indeed, nothing could be more obvious than that the wage system imperatively demanded the withdrawal of the ‘right to live’ as proclaimed in Speenhamland – under the new regime of the economic man, nobody would work for a wage if he could make a living by doing nothing.” In other words, the logic of capitalism is inimical with a "right to live”.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 546 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 08.07.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Unemployment is a devastating experience, disrupting and, too often, destroying the lives of families and individuals. There are no reality television shows, no 4-part series on Public Television, and no in depth accounts in the major media of the pain of joblessness, despite the fact that it touches, in one way or another, a majority of US citizens. The harm of unemployment – lost homes, broken relationships, desperation, and fear of the future – counts for nothing with the corporate media. Those who have lost jobs that they have held for five, ten or more years are the forgotten victims of a callous capitalism that rewards the greediest, most self-centered of our fellow citizens. There are no Steinbecks, Guthries or Capras bringing their plight into public consciousness. They bear their pain and insecurity privately and anonymously behind a curtain of official indifference.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 494 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 02.07.2010 | Комментарии (0)

V. I. Lenin wrote over ninety years ago that "under the general conditions of commodity production and private property, the ‘domination’ of capitalist monopolies inevitably becomes the domination of a financial oligarchy.” He elaborated that "The supremacy of finance capital over all other forms of capital means the predominance of the rentier and of the financial oligarchy.” I will leave it to the curious reader to examine Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism for the persuasive argument that stands behind this prescient claim. But rest assured, it follows from a deep understanding of Marx’s exposure of the logic of capitalism and the evidence available in Lenin’s time. Ironically, this now ancient projection – this forecast of the dominance of finance capital - speaks more to the economic crisis now raging globally than the host of Nobel laureates who pontificate about the cause of the downturn that began in 2008.
Inernational news in English | Просмотров: 563 | Добавил: stbudg | Дата: 26.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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