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Parce que Thibault-Mailly-Chérèque refusent d’appeler à la grève générale, Sarkozy maintient son attaque contre nos retraites La démonstration est faite, une fois encore : les « journées d’action », les « grèves reconductibles » par secteur, par département, laissent au gouvernement, à son appareil législatif et répressif, les mains libres pour faire passer la politique anti ouvrière
Des centaines de milliers de salariés ont manifesté et fait grève, conscients qu’un nouveau coup est porté au camp du Travail, à ceux qui produisent toutes les richesses, font tourner tous les services. Les dirigeants des syndicats, au lieu d’expliquer que le seul problème des retraites, c’est le refus des patrons de les payer, ont accepté la « concertation » sur le projet Sarkozy-Woerth. Ils se plaignent même encore que ça n’ait pas duré assez longtemps. |
Communiqué de l'Intersyndicale (CFDT, CFE/CGC, CFTC, CGT, FSU, UNSA) jeudi 21 octobre 2010
Les journées du samedi 16 et du mardi 19 octobre 2010 confirment que la mobilisation est ancrée dans la durée à un haut niveau. Ce sont des millions de salariés qui dans le cadre de ces 6 journées d’action depuis début septembre affirment vouloir une autre réforme des retraites juste et efficace et l’ouverture de négociations avec les syndicats.
L’ampleur des mobilisations confirme qu’au-delà de la réforme des retraites, l’emploi, les salaires, les conditions de travail mais aussi l’avenir des jeunes sont restés sans réponses efficaces notamment depuis l’aggravation des situations liée à la crise financière de 2008. Les organisations syndicales conviennent de travailler ensemble sur ces questions dans les semaines à venir afin d’interpeller le gouvernement et le patronat. |
Friday, September 24 at 8:00AM, the FBI made a coordinated raid on seven homes of several anti-war and solidarity activists and two offices in Chicago and Minneapolis and served grand jury subpoenas in Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota. Other activists in California and North Carolina were contacted in an effort to intimidate. These actions by Federal agents are part of an effort to suppress militant anti-war activity and especially anti-imperialist solidarity with movements in Latin America and Palestine. |
6 September 2010. A World to Win News Service. Following are excerpts from an article that appeared in issue 13 (1989) of A World to Win magazine. It was originally published in the Revolutionary Worker (now called Revolution), voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, 10 June 1985.
For hundreds of years, floods and droughts had been the "twin scourges" of China. A major flood or drought hit large parts of the land at a pace of almost once a year, destroying crops or making it impossible to plant and thus leading to terrible famines that took the lives of hundreds of thousands at a time. |
6 September 2010. World to Win News Service.
The immediate loss of life due to the continuing flooding in Pakistan is tragedy enough, but the long-term impact may cause even greater disaster.
The devastated fields long the Indus and other rivers, some still under water and others waterlogged and filled with mud and stones, constitute Pakistan's agricultural heartland and the foundation of its economy. This season's maize, cotton, rice and wheat, the main crops, as well as mango, banana and citrus fruits, have been lost. Worse, tens of millions of people have lost their future livelihoods, some for at least one or two seasons and others forever. |
Un año más Ferrol fue el escenario elegido por la Unión do Povo Galego para homenajear a Xosé Ramón Reboiras Noia el día 12 de agosto, cuando se cumplían 35 años de su asesinato en esa misma ciudad a manos de la policia franquista. |
Once again, the Galizan People's Union (UPG) chose the town of Ferrol for its annual tribute to Xosé Ramón Reboiras Noia, better known as 'Moncho' Reboiras, where he met his death 35 years ago at the hands of Franco's police. |
There is no lack of rhetoric expounded on the need to dramatically reduce unemployment. Using the most revealing government figures, nearly 17% of the US workforce is unemployed. That figure means that nearly one in five US citizens working before the economic crisis, or joining the workforce since, is, at this moment, idle or under-employed. Counting the involuntary part-time workers and discouraged workers, the total number of US workers seeking work totals nearly twenty million. Though the media and the governing cabal have shown little more than token interest in the staggering human tragedy facing these workers and their families, nearly everyone voices a determination to see unemployment reduced. And while it’s easy to procrastinate on a solution, it must be remembered that the economy needs to generate at least 150,000 jobs a month to keep up with population growth. And therein is the problem: while everyone may want full employment, few have an honest, real plan to achieve it. |
The August 30/September 6, 2010 issue of The Nation magazine features a forum entitled "Debating Obama,” keynoted by Eric Alterman, with responses by six other writers. The forum reflects a sense among The Nation editors - and no doubt most of the readers of the leading liberal/progressive publication - that matters did not go quite as expected after the inauguration of the youthful, well-spoken Democratic President, Barack Obama. In fact, Alterman puts it plainly: "Few progressives would take issue with the argument that, significant accomplishments notwithstanding, the Obama presidency has been a big disappointment.” Alterman goes on to say: "… if one examines the gamut of legislation passed and executive orders issued that relate to the promises made by candidate Obama, one can only wince at the slightly hyperbolic joke made by late-night comedian Jimmy Fallon, who quipped that the president’s goal appeared to be to ‘finally deliver on the campaign promises made by John McCain.’” |
I have read The New York Review of Books off and on for forty years. Generally, I take it to be an easy way to follow trends in US liberal thinking. It stands as a bridge between prominent academics and a self-conscious educated, elite class. For some, it is the source for the last word in cocktail party discussions. For others, it is a channel to drift arcane, scholarly controversies towards a larger audience. |
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